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One of our goals is to support and collaborate with charities globally to raise awareness of hidden disabilities and encourage the wider community to support those living with them.

Through our invisible disabilities index, Sunflower Conversations and articles, we guide our global Sunflower network and are looking for disability-specific information and advice to a relevant charity.


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For businesses
  • Companies | Charities

Be part of a global inclusive network

Register now
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Make a positive change today

Join the global Sunflower network

  • Inform your business

  • Expand your perspective

  • Member discounts

  • Plus much more

Join an impressive global network to extend your reach

  • Share your story with our Sunflower community on our social channels and in our monthly newsletter, ‘The invisible issue’
  • Contribute and promote your involvement to our expanding invisible disabilities index
  • Take part in our Sunflower Conversations as our Sunflower wearers share their lived experience



Become a Sunflower Member in six easy steps

  1. If you already have a Business account, login here. If you don't, sign up now 
  2. Visit the Memberships section of our online shop to find the best Sunflower Membership for your business. Subscribe today to access exclusive benefits and resources.
  3. Select the Sunflower Membership that best fits your business to access exclusive benefits and resources
  4. If you choose the Corporate or Global Memberships, schedule an onboarding call*
  5. Train your workforce using our Sunflower training videos*
  6. Purchase Sunflower products for colleagues and customers with non-visible disabilities, and supporter items for colleagues who have completed the training
  7. Finally, launch and promote your business as Sunflower-friendly to your community*

*access depends on  your Sunflower Membership level