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Tourette Syndrome and Autism with Martin Moxness

By Hidden Disabilities Sunflower The Sunflower Conversations Share

Martin Moxness lives in Denmark and is a successful Instagram and TikTok influencer, as well as being creatively gifted in music and photography. Martin is autistic and uses his platform to raise awareness of his health conditions which include Tourette syndrome and ADHD.

In our conversation, Martin explains that he has mental tics, intrusive thoughts, OCD, as well as a range of verbal tics and how they form in his mind. We discuss how general perceptions and prejudices have a damaging consequence, leading physical and mental exhaustion as a result of supressing tics.

This conversation highlights the importance to normalise Tourette Syndrome, including tics and stimming, to foster acceptance and understanding.

For support

If you are experiencing issues discussed in this podcast contact your GP or healthcare practitioner.

Tourette Action 

Tourette support around the world 

Hosted by Chantal Boyle, Hidden Disabilities Sunflower.

Want to share your story? email [email protected]

Download the transcript here.

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