CCgroup has become a member of the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower network, reaffirming its commitment to fostering an inclusive and diverse workplace.

The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower is not just a symbol; it's a powerful movement that promotes understanding, empathy, and support for people with non-visible disabilities. These are health conditions that may not be immediately apparent to others but can significantly impact a person's life. They can be temporary, situational or permanent.

Inclusion: CCgroup believes every person deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. By joining the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Network, they take a meaningful step towards creating an environment where everyone feels valued and included. They are fostering an environment where colleagues can be themselves and thrive.

Raising Awareness: The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower network enables CCgroup to raise awareness about non-visible disabilities within the organisation and the broader community. It's an opportunity to learn about the challenges people with non-visible disabilities may face and how to provide support.

Empathy and Compassion: The Sunflower encourages open conversations and acts as a visual cue for understanding. It reminds colleagues, clients, and partners to offer kindness and compassion, fostering a more compassionate workplace culture.

Paul Nolan, COO, said:

"CCgroup is proud to be part of the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower, it reaffirms our commitment to fostering an inclusive and diverse workplace”


CCgroup's journey towards a more inclusive workplace is ongoing, and becoming a part of the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower network is a significant milestone.

Learn more about CCgroup by visiting their website.


Become a Sunflower Member in six easy steps

  1. Create a business account
  2. Choose and purchase a Sunflower membership
  3. Schedule an onboarding call with our dedicated support team*
  4. Train at least 80% of your workforce using our Sunflower training videos
  5. Choose and purchaseSunflower wearer and ally products
  6. Launch your business as Sunflower-friendly

*depends on  your Sunflower Membership level