"I'm very big on lifestyle factors. I'm not against HRT by any means, but a lot of the time, HRT, people think of it as a silver bullet that's just going to cure everything, and if you're not addressing the stresses in your life and the lifestyle changes that you can make, it's unlikely to work as well as you would like it to."


Fay Durrant is a Wellbeing and Menopause coach and joined us to discuss perimenopause and menopause as well as her own lived experience with perimenopause.

The conversation allows our hosts, Chantal and Paul, to speak about their experiences with having and living through perimenopause. Also discussed is the impact of this phase of life on relationships and work, as well as some of the hundreds of physical and mental symptoms.

We finish with some self-care tips to support mental health, including mindfulness activities and breathwork.

If you are experiencing any issues discussed in this podcast please contact your healthcare practitioner.

For support:



Hosted by Chantal Boyle and Paul Shriever, Hidden Disabilities Sunflower.