Please select your Sunflower category to help us deliver the site experience most relevant to you.

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For allies and wearers of the Sunflower

For businesses and institutions

For charities focused on disabilities and conditions not immediately apparent

Main Menu
Sunflower on a green circular background

Sunflower Pin Badge

'proud to support the sunflower' Lanyard around a persons neck.

Sunflower Supporter Lanyard

Hidden Disabilities Sunflower card

Do you have a non-visible disability? Show your Sunflower card when it suits you to indicate that you may need additional support, understanding or simply more time as you work, travel, shop or visit Sunflower-friendly venues and locations.

There is a spcace for you to your name and emergency contact details onto the back of the card.

Availability: In stock


  • waterproof
  • 100% recyclable material
  • on the text on the back of the Sunflower card, there is space to add:
    First name
    Family or guardian contact
    Family or guardian number
    Any special assistance needed

You can also add a clear wallet to protect it further.

Please note, that a lanyard and plastic wallet are not included and will need to be ordered separately.

This item is not for resale.