Sunflower wearers can now experience a relaxed visit to their next favourite movie as Pathé Theatres, have officially joined the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower. The programme is supported across all 29 Pathé movie theatre locations in the Netherlands.
On 19 September we presented the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower to the congress of Dutch Poppodia and concert halls. The audience was extremely receptive and enthusiastic about the scheme, with some people announcing that their organisations intend to join the Sunflower. This means that in the future, more concerts and festivals taking place in the Netherlands will be ready to support visitors with hidden disabilities.
On 2 and 9 October we host the Schiphol Hidden Disabilities Tours. These events are designed to help people with disabilities, such as autism, prepare themselves for future air travel. With the help of KLM flight attendants, we let passengers experience all the steps you have to pass through before you can board a plane (check-in, bag drop, security). This is followed by a visit to the KLM crew centre where pilots prepare for their flights.
There are now 135 organisations across the Netherlands and Belgium supporting the Sunflower from over 533 locations! New members that joined us during September include:
- Singer Laren
- Mozaïk Theater Wijchen
- ROC schools
- de Reisprof
- Heineken Experience
From now until November we are presenting at several congresses and fairs, spreading the Sunflower word in the hope that more organisations will join us.