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  1. Regional Partner | UK - Snowball
  2. Regional Partner | UK - Diversity & Ability
  3. Hidden Disabilities Sunflower launches in Mauritius
  4. Aeroporto de Brasília se torna membro do projeto Cordão de Girassol Oficial
  5. Purple Tuesday Global Disability Partner 2023
  6. We have been selected as a TravelAbility Trusted vendor
  7. Our Purple Tuesday 2023 pledge
  8. Brazilian musician Alceu Valença’s song 'Girassol'  is the soundtrack of Hidden Disabilities Sunflower campaign
  9. ‘Rights on Flights’ at the House of Commons
  10. Brazil passes law about the Sunflower
  11. People of Determination manufacture the Sunflower lanyard for distribution in the GCC region
  12. Goodtalks Special Award winner at Danish Diversity Awards 2023
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