The Institute of Inner-City Learning (IICL) Birmingham & London Campuses, the University of Wales Trinity St David, has joined the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower.

IICL aims to expand the on-campus student and staff awareness of non-visible disabilities to encourage students to let staff know if they require support, understanding and/or more time.

By breaking down barriers and nurturing an inclusive environment, IICL hopes to improve the educational and overall student experience of individuals with a hidden disability.

Hana Jacobson, Disability Adviser said:

“UWTSD London & Birmingham have joined the Sunflower to break down barriers and nurture an inclusive environment, supporting students and staff”.

The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower logo on green lanyards, customised cards, pin badges, chest ribbons and lots more accessories indicate a non-visible disability and is a discreet way to make invisible disabilities visible.

An individual can voluntarily share that they have a disability that may not be immediately apparent – and that they may require support, understanding and/or more time.

Identifying with the Sunflower is optional & a personal choice and IICL students and staff can arrange a time to pick up a Sunflower lanyard or accessory from a member of the Birmingham or London Disability & Learning Support Team.

Learn more about the University of Wales Trinity St David


Is your organisation a member of the Sunflower network?

Is your place of work Sunflower friendly? If not, why not suggest they look into becoming members of the Sunflower? We provide training and assistance to help businesses recognise the Sunflower to support individuals with non-visible disabilities and become confident in providing them with additional help or assistance.

Join an impressive network of organisations so our Sunflower wearers can find you as they plan their days out:

  • add your location to the Sunflower location map
  • provide details useful for Sunflower-friendly visits
  • demonstrate how accessible you are
  • tell your story through articles
  • and reveal your Sunflower-friendly events

Become a Sunflower Member in six easy steps

  1. Create a business account
  2. Choose and purchase a Sunflower membership
  3. Schedule an onboarding call with our dedicated support team*
  4. Train at least 80% of your workforce using our Sunflower training videos
  5. Choose and purchaseSunflower wearer and ally products
  6. Launch your business as Sunflower-friendly

*depends on  your Sunflower Membership level