We are delighted that Minstead Trust, a charity for people with learning disabilities, has recently joined the Hidden DIsabiltiies Sunflower. The charity supports more than 220 people with learning disabilities along the south coast.
Minstead Trust runs several social enterprises and many of the people who are supported to work in them have hidden disabilities and often face barriers in their daily lives, including a lack of understanding and negative attitudes.
Jay Powell, Director of Social Enterprises at Minstead Trust, said:
"We are dedicated to raising awareness of invisible disabilities with our customers, suppliers and the people we support.
Our team are also proud to be wearing their I Support Sunflower lanyards and have enjoyed the online training that the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower team provide, which supports us to make our environments accessible and safe.
The training also supports our team with skills to recognise where people may need extra time or active listening to offer customer service excellence."
Paul White, CEO, Hidden Disabilities Sunflower said:
“We are delighted that Minstead Trust have joined the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower network to support people with non-visible disabilities. Minstead Trust is a fantastic social enterprise offering training and employment experience to people who have learning disabilities. The value in the provision they provide is immeasurable.
Staff and visitors will also gain an understanding of non-visible disabilities and therefore be able to react to Sunflower wearers with kindness, patience and understanding.”
If you are visting Minstead Trust and require a Sunflower lanyard, they are available from the cafe. All proceeds will go towards the charitable trust.
Find out more about Minstead Trust