We are delighted that Curaçao International Airport (CAP) is the first airport in the Caribbean to join the Sunflower in its effort to constantly improve its services for travelers. Wearing this lanyard discreetly indicates to airport staff that you have a disability and that you may need additional help when moving through the airport. The Hidden Disability Sunflower program was launched in 2016 by Gatwick Airport in London and each day more airports and organizations are becoming members.
The Sunflower Lanyard and Badge can be used at other participating airports around the world. Schiphol Amsterdam is also one of the participating airports which will give the wearer comfort when departing from Curaçao to Amsterdam as both airports apply the same standards. For an extensive list of other participating entities, you can visit https://hiddendisabilitiesstore.com/find-the-sunflower.
CAP believes that it is important that everyone who has a hidden disability and who chooses to be visible (recognized), should have access to one lanyard. As the first step of implementing this program, CAP will focus on autism travelers. For this reason, a partnership has been established with the local Autism Aid Foundation. Hidden Disability Sunflower Lanyards are available free of charge via this foundation and all its members will receive a Sunflower Lanyard, that can be used when traveling.
CAP wants to expand this service by partnering to other local foundations that focus on autism and other disabilities. It is our aim to continue providing and creating awareness among the airport community and our island. CAP will soon publish these initiatives on its website.
Organizations or foundations representing clients with hidden disabilities, interested in joining the Sunflower Scheme Program of our airport, can contact CAP via [email protected]