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Acromegaly with Martin Cornally

By Hidden Disabilities Sunflower The Sunflower Conversations Share


"I was very fortunate that I was having a knee surgery and at the end of it and the surgeon came in and he says look, I don't want you to get upset with me, but I've never seen feet as big as that um and that that kind of triggered off. Then he wrote a letter and it started me on the journey of getting the diagnosis. But most people don't get their diagnosis for, you know, between six and eight years and in the meantime the damage is done like, I'm riddled in arthritis now because my skeleton is. It was the one thing it really done an awful lot of damage to. You know, as I said, my feet went from 11 to 14."


Martin Cornally shares his experience of the rare pituitary disease called acromegaly. Hear firsthand how a pituitary tumour led to excessive production of growth hormone, causing severe physical changes, including osteoarthritis. Despite undergoing two surgeries, Martin continues to fight this chronic and life-long condition, shedding light on the crucial need for early diagnosis and increased awareness among medical professionals.
Explore the differences between acromegaly and gigantism, conditions that, though related, manifest at different stages of life. We discuss this rare disease's emotional, physical, and financial impacts, highlighting the importance of recognising subtle symptoms early on. Martin's symptoms include severe headaches, significant weight gain, and enlarged organs, which underlines the challenging journey of living with acromegaly and the importance of timely, accurate diagnoses.
In this episode, we also delve into the broader challenges of invisible disabilities, and co-host Scott shares how he has coped with having multiple brain aneurysms. 

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Hosted by Chantal Boyle and Scott Casson-Rennie, Hidden Disabilities Sunflower.

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