Finally, most of the COVID restrictions in the Netherlands have been lifted so theatres, museums, zoos and attraction parks have opened their doors again. And as the famous Royal Theatre Carre Amsterdam welcomes back its audiences, it does so recognising and supporting the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower. All staff have been trained to offer Hidden Disabilities Sunflower wearers the additional support, understanding or extra time that they may need when visiting the theatre.
Many more small companies from across the region continue to join the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower. In Belgium a group of 14 start-up companies, from an array of sectors, decided to work together in order to establish a Hidden Disabilities Sunflower friendly approach from the outset. It's encouraging to see that Belgium is now actively adopting the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower, with all six locations of the Royal Museums of Fine Arts joining the programme. In the coming weeks we are talking to another 13 museums across Belgium who are interested in the scheme.
During February, several schools approached us asking for more information about the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower and inviting us to come and speak with students about invisible disabilities. It is so important to help inform children and young adults about hidden disabilities within our community.
Now that life has returned to “normal” we hope many more companies and organisations from across Belgium and the Netherlands will join the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower.