Depending on your location, please allow 7 to 14 working days for delivery. We dispatch orders from our offices in Australia and New Zealand twice weekly. We use the local postal service to keep the postage cost minimum and do not provide tracking information. You must provide us with a clear and accurate address. If you live in a complex building, please describe your location or use a PO Box instead.
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Medium Sunflower Business pack

Medium Business Pack

50 x triple-breakaway lanyards

50 x triple-breakaway lanyards

Small Business Pack

From A$180.00

To A$180.00

The Sunflower Small Business Pack is ideal for a reception or ticketing office at front of house.

The green Sunflower products to be given away to your customers, acts as a discreet sign that the wearer has a hidden disability and requires additional assistance.

The white Sunflower products are for your staff and volunteers to show that they have been trained, aware of the Sunflower program and are ready to offer support if required.

When you join the program you will be sent a starter pack so please check the contents of this to determine if you need another small business pack

These items are not for resale and can only be purchased with an active Sunflower Memebership

Log in to your Sunflower Member business account to purchase this product.

If your business has not yet joined, create an account here to purchase a Membership plan.

This product is only available to Subscribed members of the HD sunflower Program.

Businesses purchasing Sunflower supporter products must be Sunflower Members and can only provide these products to employees who have completed the training.

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Contents includes:

  • 1 x Display Box
  • 10 x Sunflower lanyard
  • 10 x Sunflower Pin Badge
  • 5 x Sunflower Supporter Circular pins
  • 2 x A4 Sunflower poster
  • 1 x Sunflower Front of Store Sticker ( 148mm square )
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