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Eating Disorders, Autism and ADHD with Adam Fare

By Hidden Disabilities Sunflower The Sunflower Conversations Share


CONTENT WARNING. The topic is eating disorders, and throughout the podcast, our guest will talk about their lived experiences, as well as signposting to charities for support. Please visit your healthcare provider if you are concerned about any issues relating to this topic.

“Some people will be larger, some people will be smaller, some people will be in the middle, but they'd all be healthy. Yeah, because they would all be honoring their body. And health is not just about physical. It's about mental, financial, emotional, social health as well. And too often we forget about that and just think of physical health.”


Undiagnosed autism and ADHD have played a part in Adam developing an eating disorder at secondary school. He battled through excruciating pain until the point of becoming hospitalised and, as a result, being left irreparably physically damaged.

During the conversation, Adam shares his journey of recovery. He talks us through the different types of eating disorders and how they present. We also cover the dangers of diet culture, societal pressures, stigma and shame.

Adam has a stoma as a result of severe intestinal issues and a prolapsed bowel, as well as musculoskeletal syndrome, all of which leave him with chronic pain and fatigue.

If you are experiencing any issues discussed in this podcast, please contact your healthcare practitioner.

For support



Hosted by Chantal Boyle and Paul Shriever, Hidden Disabilities Sunflower.

SUBSCRIBE, rate and share The Sunflower Conversations by clicking here.

The Sunflower Conversations is a podcast that delves into different non-visible health conditions to enable the listener to learn more about the causes and symptoms and the physical and social impacts that can occur. The conversations are with Sunflower wearers who share their lived experience of disability and who give a walkthrough of the ups and downs that are personal to them.

We also talk to healthcare professionals and charity experts who deliver an overview of specific disabilities and offer advice and signposting for support. If you are experiencing any issues discussed in this podcast, please contact your healthcare practitioner.

Music by "The Emerald Ruby" Emerald Ruby Bandcamp & Emerald Ruby website

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